A landing page is a single web page which you have designed with the goal of maximising conversions from visitors to your website. In most cases, these are short and sweet pages that elicit a specific action from the user. For example, if you have a Get Started Now button on your site with a special offer attached to it, the landing page might be a brief page that simply features the special offer. However, if you are planning on optimising your landing pages to perform better in Google Adwords , it may carry more content and include several different forms of opt-in for your visitors.
Regardless of what your goal is with your landing pages, there are some tips you can follow to make the pages more effective in terms of conversions.
1) Keep it simple – If you are trying to create your landing pages for Adwords, then take into consideration that most people do not spend a lot of time on their laptops or computers when they are online, and this is especially true if they are searching on Google. You want to keep your landing pages short and to the point. Anything that might distract from this goal should be left out of the page, so avoid graphics or other items which are not relevant to your goals.
2) Include a strong headline – Your headline is one of the most important elements of your landing page because it is what will capture your visitor’s attention. You want to create a headline that is unique, relevant, and eye-catching.
3) Use bullet points – Once you have drawn in your visitor with your headline, keep them there by offering them several concise bullet point items about the product or service they are interested in buying.
4) Include a one-step opt-in – In some cases, you may want to offer an opportunity for your visitors to sign up for a newsletter or other email list on your landing page. This is a great idea, but make sure that it is the only opt-in on the page, otherwise you will run the risk of distracting your visitors again.
5) Incorporate trust symbols – If you have a large number of items that your landing page is trying to sell, then consider adding trustworthy logos to the page. This includes things like Adwords logos, testimonials from third parties, and awards.
6) Use short but powerful URLs – Also, keep your URLs as short as possible, but be sure that they are relevant to the topic of the page.
7) Use SEO-friendly text – Be aware of how people search for products on Google, and use some of those keywords in your titles and first few sentences on your landing pages. This will help Google to recognise your content.
8) Keep it simple – This is the same point that was made earlier, but it bears repeating. You want to keep your visitors focused on what you are offering in your landing page and not distracted by other elements in the design of the page.
9) Add credibility indicators – If this is a product or service that you are selling that does not have the same kind of reputation as others on the market, then consider adding some elements which will help your visitor to believe in your company. For example, if you are selling a product with several different pieces to it, try using an image of one piece next to its name. This helps make the product appear more legitimate.
10) Use colours to catch attention – Finally, be sure that you are using contrasting colours in your landing page to attract the eye of your visitors. You want the text to pop out at them and for it to be easy on their eyes as well.
In addition to these tips, remember not to overwhelm your visitors with too much information on one page. Even though you want to provide all relevant details, you do not want to bombard them so it becomes overwhelming.
There are a few things that you can do to make your WordPress website faster.
1) Use a caching plugin – This will help to speed up the loading of your pages by storing a static version of them on the server.
2) Optimize your images – Make sure that they are the correct size and format for the web, and use a compression tool to reduce their file size.
3) Minimize redirects – Redirects can slow down the loading of your pages, so try to keep them to a minimum.
4) Use a content delivery network (CDN) – A CDN will help to deliver your content from servers that are close to your visitors, which will speed up your site.
5) Minify your scripts – Be sure that any third party scripts you are using on your website are minified before they are put into use on WordPress. This will help to speed up the loading of them.
6) Enable caching for social media widgets – If you have social media tags/widgets on your site, then be sure to enable caching on them as well. This will help speed up their page loads as well.
There are a lot of things you can do to make your website faster, but these are some of the basics that everyone should know about.
The job of the landing page is to drive sales.
Lots of them. So, how do you convert as many as possible?
Create just one goal
The trick is removing all the distractions.
There should be no exit links or confusing content.
You’ve got just one goal here.
Drive sales.
There’s no need to get creative or ambitious, just close the sale.
If they’ve clicked on your link they’re already interested in what you’re offering.
So make sure it’s clear, simple, and direct.
Decide on just one goal, and put it front and centre.
Who is your audience?
The key to selling to people is connecting with them.
Make them feel comfortable, and persuade them to complete the sale.
To do that, you need to know exactly who you’re selling to.
When you know everything about your audience, you can tailor your landing page accordingly.
You can use images that will connect with them. You can use language and copy that resonates with them.

It’s easy to sell to people when you know exactly who they are.
The call to action is the single most important aspect on your landing page.
This is the button that you need your visitors to click. It’s the buy button or the ‘signup’ button.
This is the conversion, and it’s got to be compelling and persuasive. The best ones are big, and coloured in bold to draw attention.
They use carefully chosen words to lure the customer in, and convince them to click on it.
Remove the risk
No matter how convincing your landing page, there is always a small part of the customer that’s unsure.
So, remove the risk with a simple line of copy.
It could be a money-back guarantee. It could be social proof (“100,000 sales so far!”) or a testimonial from a big client.
Anything that convinces them there’s little or no risk involved.
Page speed
Last of all, make sure your landing page is super fast. Test your site speed for free here .
According to statistics, visitors will leave a site that takes more than three seconds to load.
If it takes that long, your potential lead is frustrated.
They’ve left. It also damages your page ranking on Google.
As you can imagine, Google doesn’t like sending people to slow websites.
Make sure yours is lightning fast.
That’s all for today, folks! Stop by soon for more digital and SEO Experts Tricks and tips.
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